Oracle Database Developer Choice Awards Voting Status

UPDATE: These are the final results - voting is now closed. Thanks to everyone who voted :-D

The Oracle Database Developer Choice Awards voting will go on until October 15th 2015. If you haven't already, you should go vote now!

Here is the present status of how many votes have been submitted per category, including how many votes the category has increased with since "approximately yesterday" (since last time I downloaded the data, which I plan to do approximately daily ;-), and including how many votes the category has increased with since I started collecting data on October 2nd.

----------- --------- ----- ---------- ----------
Oct 16, 06h sql        1355         40        377
Oct 16, 06h plsql       990         94        429
Oct 16, 06h apex        969         72        630
Oct 16, 06h db-design   835         60        592
Oct 16, 06h ords        461         22        100

The SQL category clearly has gathered most votes, but since an APEX developer probably also has an opinion in PL/SQL and SQL, but not necessarily vice versa, this could have a natural explanation ;-)

And here is the present status of the individual nominees within each category with these data:

  • Score (points)
  • Total votes
  • Negative votes
  • Positive votes
  • Percent votes that are positive
  • Rank by score
  • Rank by positive votes
  • Increase in score "since yesterday"
  • Increase in positive votes "since yesterday"

----------- --------- ----------------- ----- ----- ---- ---- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Oct 16, 06h apex      Morten Braten      1810   191    5  186      97       1       1     160      16
Oct 16, 06h apex      Kiran Pawar        1750   185    5  180      97       2       2     300      30
Oct 16, 06h apex      Juergen Schuster   1650   171    3  168      98       3       3     130      13
Oct 16, 06h apex      Jari Laine         1080   166   29  137      83       4       4      20       3
Oct 16, 06h apex      Karen Cannell       890    93    2   91      98       5       5      20       2
Oct 16, 06h apex      Paul MacMillan      710    87    8   79      91       6       6      30       3
Oct 16, 06h apex      Trent Schafer       660    76    5   71      93       7       7      40       4
Oct 16, 06h db-design Rob Lockard        2000   212    6  206      97       1       2     350      36
Oct 16, 06h db-design Heli Helskyaho     1670   311   72  239      77       2       1      60       8
Oct 16, 06h db-design Michelle Kolbe     1530   209   28  181      87       3       3     100      10
Oct 16, 06h db-design Mark Hoxey          890   103    7   96      93       4       4      30       3
Oct 16, 06h ords      Dietmar Aust       1590   165    3  162      98       1       1     140      14
Oct 16, 06h ords      Dimitri Gielis      940   106    6  100      94       2       2      20       2
Oct 16, 06h ords      Morten Braten       610    75    7   68      91       3       3      60       6
Oct 16, 06h ords      Kiran Pawar         460    54    4   50      93       4       4       0       0
Oct 16, 06h ords      Anton Nielsen       290    37    4   33      89       5       5       0       0
Oct 16, 06h ords      Tim St. Hilaire     180    24    3   21      88       6       6       0       0
Oct 16, 06h plsql     Roger Troller      2040   234   15  219      94       1       1     300      30
Oct 16, 06h plsql     Adrian Billington  2020   216    7  209      97       2       2     320      34
Oct 16, 06h plsql     Patrick Barel      1160   136   10  126      93       3       3      90       9
Oct 16, 06h plsql     Sean Stuber        1160   130    7  123      95       3       4      60       6
Oct 16, 06h plsql     Morten Braten      1070   119    6  113      95       4       5      70       7
Oct 16, 06h plsql     Bill Coulam         600    72    6   66      92       5       7      20       2
Oct 16, 06h plsql     Kim Berg Hansen     590    83   12   71      86       6       6      20       3
Oct 16, 06h sql       Emrah Mete         4120   482   35  447      93       1       1     260      26
Oct 16, 06h sql       Sayan Malakshinov  1990   265   33  232      88       2       2      10       1
Oct 16, 06h sql       Sean Stuber        1120   152   20  132      87       3       3      40       4
Oct 16, 06h sql       Kim Berg Hansen     870   133   23  110      83       4       4      50       5
Oct 16, 06h sql       Matthias Rogel      710    89    9   80      90       5       5      10       1
Oct 16, 06h sql       Erik Van Roon       590    89   15   74      83       6       6      10       1
Oct 16, 06h sql       Justin Cave         510    79   14   65      82       7       7      10       1
Oct 16, 06h sql       Stew Ashton         420    66   12   54      82       8       8      10       1

These data I calculate via the methods I describe in my posts on Scraping and querying Oracle Database Developer Choice Awards votes Part 1 and Part 2.

I will endeavour to update this post daily until the voting period ends October 15th. If *you* haven't voted yet, go do so!

(There has been some discussion whether or not downvoting is fair in a competition like this. In my personal opinion it isn't, but technically this is a reuse of a voting system for ideas, so this is how it is and we'll live with it. But I think the final judges should perform these queries after the voting is ended.

UPDATE: Now the voting has ended and mostly ranking by score and ranking by positive votes agree. 1st and 2nd place in DB-Design category is switched around, that's the major difference. Heli has 33 more positive votes than Rob, but due to an awful lot of negativity, she is 2nd place according to score. Then there's two small variances within PL/SQL category. By score Patrick and Sean are tied for 3rd, but Patrick has 3 more positive votes. And by score Bill har 10 points more than Kim, but Kim has 5 more positive votes.
